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The Bad Boy is in Town

The essential oil extraction market using LPG solvents, has grown up around recovery pumps that get the job done, but are actually designed for refrigerant recovery, which is typically a much higher pressure process, so consequently the available pumps are designed for higher pressure than is required, which limits their volume out put at any given horsepower.

Many of ya’ll know the king of the hill, which is the Haskel EXT-420 pneumatic, which competes with 550 psi pumps like the TRS-21, 600, and CMP-OL electric pumps, but will recover up to 1145 psi and is rated at NEMA 7, Class 1, Div 1.

For larger, or multiple pot systems, the Class 1, Div II, 2 Hp CMP-OL-6000 is available at 2.9 cfm free air, and capable of 550 psi.

Soooo what about something seriously bad ass and more directly focused on our application??????????

Hee, hee, hee, enter the bad boy in town!  Pharmgold has coupled a Welch V-Twin BRP-1 hydrocarbon recovery pump, with a 2 horsepower NEMA 7 motor and control switch, to produce a NEMA 7 Class 1, Div 2, 6 cfm free air pump, which they protect with an inlet cyclone filter drier as part of the package.

Whoa, twice as big as the$12,000 CMEP-OL and about $2,000 cheaper, aside from the consideration that the Welch pump is built in the US of A, as is the motor and Swagelok fittings!!

If’n you’re running multiple pots, and have a system designed to run under 60 psi (100 psi max), check out these bad boys by Pharmgold at 

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